August 10, 2017

We kinda knew this already…

But it’s great to see outsiders agree. Great article summarizing the unique blend of growth and existing business energy we’re experiencing of late in the Greater […]
May 20, 2017

What’s all the buzz about VRF?

By Tyler Richeson Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF), has been the go to HVAC system in most other parts of the world for quite some time. Recently […]
March 28, 2016
SmartView Energy Modeling Software

Think Differently About the Cost of Your Building

Buildings aren’t just structures – they’re business decisions.  In business, the demand for faster and larger returns is ever accelerating. The pressure to build sustainable, efficient […]
March 21, 2016
Go Green-Smarter

10 megatrends shaping the future of green building

We’re excited to share this very well-written article of where sustainability  trends are headed in our industry.  Our anecdotal experience “from the trenches” support that green […]
February 19, 2014
Go Green-Smarter

Taking Your Property Green. Simply.

Introducing BuildSmarter+ Services Exclusively from Kiesland “Smarter Thinking, Smarter Building™” is more than a slogan for us. It’s our culture. It influences everything we do. We’re […]
February 7, 2014
Go Green-Smarter

Thinking Smarter about “Green”

You’ve heard the terms; “LEED-Certified” –  “Carbon-Neutral Design” –  “Sustainable Design / Design for Sustainability (DfS) and Design for Environment (DfE)” to list just a few. […]