New Steel Center at Airport Site
January 29, 2014BuildSmarter Heading
February 7, 2014Thinking Smarter about "Green"
You’ve heard the terms;
“LEED-Certified” – “Carbon-Neutral Design” – “Sustainable Design / Design for Sustainability (DfS) and Design for Environment (DfE)” to list just a few.
We’re believers. We’re committed to sustainable building as well.
While we’re General Contractors and Developers, we’re also business people.
So we prefer to include more terms in our vocabulary. Terms like “Daylighting”, “Energy Efficient” and “Green Building / Sustainable Building Design”.
We think that sometimes small steps lead to big improvements and yes, return on investment. Our goal is to help businesses improve the future of the planet while ensuring the future of their business.
If that makes sense to you, we think we should talk Smarter Building.